Less sugar is not less sugar

It is now commonplace to hear that whenever people try to fix overeating with eating other stuff it is not really changing, but adding.

Here’s another study pointing to this.  Likely to be ignored as any other warning that eating less is in most cases much simpler and effective than eating better.

In “The Influence of Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners on Vascular Health during the Onset and Progression of Diabetes” authors Brian Hoffmann , George Ronan, Dhanush Haspula alert for the risks of artificial sugar as replacement for regular sugar may be statistically linked to impairment and progression of diabetes and obesity.

Seems like our body is not equally (if at all) fooled, as our gluttony persistently advocates.

Skip A.R. – Embodiment is the real thing

Non‐invasive brain stimulation of motor cortex induces embodiment when integrated with virtual reality feedback

by M. Bassolino ;  M. Franza ;  J. Bello Ruiz ;  M. Pinardi ;  T. Schmidlin ;  M.A. Stephan ;  M. Solcà ;  A. Serino ; O. Blanke @ European Journal of Neuroscience

Researchers tested feeling of embodiment by non-invasive brain stimulation.  Instead of traditional visual, tactile or spacial illusions, scientists used magnetic (TMS) and visual (BR) stimulus to interact directly with the body’s representation in the brain.Continue reading

Is Bitcoin halal or haram?

Working paper by Mr. Muhammad Abu Bakar – Mufti certified by the Jamia Darul-Uloom in Karachi, Pakistan under the supervision of Respected Sheikh Mufti Taqi Usmani – proposes s critic cut on Shariah status of bitcoin.

Interesting paper including exposure on history of money. development of Bitcoin, blockchain, Islamic property definitions and practices, and Bictoin in light of previous Fatwas.

Skipping to conclusions of the working paper:

  • Blockchain is evolving, so should Shariah opinions as scholars do their own research
  • Blockchain may act as a ledger recording value and cash transfers.
  • Depending of jurisdiction and legal status, Bitcoin could be seen as permissible.
  • Store of value, welath and data integrity arguably permissible.  Buying  cryptocurrency for investment purposes is not advisable.
  • Beware of ponzi schemes.

Data Commons

It is clear by now that you don’t own your data (arguably neither your money).  Shouldn’t it be the case then that our data takes part of a Data Commons.

The case is building, at least since 2016 but it is gathering supporters among the scientific community.  Examples here, here, and here.

This is cause for appraisal and kudos alright.  And as science gets more and more data hungry, it’s no wonder scientists seek free access to data.

What about the science that will be built using our data?  Open source, creative commons as well?  Right?



Civil rights to autonomous artificial systems

In an open letter to the European Commission a group of ‘Political Leaders, AI/robotics researchers and industry leaders, Physical and Mental Health specialists, Law and Ethics experts gathered to’ voice their concern about negative consequences of legal status to robots.

This echoes the concept that granted corporations personhood legal status, and the long debate over its convenience, how this notion spread and became usual in modern law.

The paragraph 59 f  from report cited in the letter is by its turn based on the recommendations to the Commission on Civil Law Rules on Robotics that can give a thorough view on the grounds of what moved the Committee on Legal Affairs to propose it.