Startup Brazil

Cadence – Brazilian Startup

Cadence is a device that helps exercising and training by giving users appropriate rythm of practice. Accelerated by Techmall SA

Coletivy – Brazilian startup

Coletivy is a colaborative marketing platform, proposing to make the bridge between companies and clients. This startup was accelerated by Start You Up 

GoBooks – Brazilian Startup

GoBooks enables students to save money on textbooks by renting them online with just a few clicks. They provide Brazil’s first textbook rental service, similar to With the number of university students in Brazil expected to grow to 10 million within the next decade, GoBooks offers an attractive alternative to paying full-price for new […]

ASAPP – Brazilian Startup

ASAPP is a DYI platform that trasforms PDFs in Apps allowing mobile distribution of digital documents. starup accelerated by AceleraTech

Frutas em Casa – Brazilian Startup

Frutas em casa delivers fresh fruits and natural food to subscribers directly at their home or office according to determined selection and frequency. Accelerated by Techmall SA

Aentropico – Brazilian Startup

Aentropico is building a predictive analytics platform that empowers managers to take informed decisions in a simple and intuitive manner. They combine the best user experience with top-notch applied statistics, in order to bring useful algorithms to non-tech users. In the process, they built a large marketplace of solutions for industry specific questions for decision […]

Wiki4Fit – Brazilian Startup

Wiki4Fit is a fitting platform designed for fitness centers to raise client retention. starup accelerated by AceleraTech  

Sensorbox – Brazilian Startup

SensorBox proprietary software and hardware help users track performance and status on batteries, no-braks, and sensors such as security or environmental information. This startup was accelerated by Start You Up.

21212 – Brazilian Startup Accelerator

21212 looks for entrepreneurs who want to implement a proven business model from elsewhere in in Brazil. Their program offers: During the acceleration process:Hands-on support from software engineers and designers; Coaching from the business team ; Infrastructure; Services supplied from partners; Survival money: neither a valuation nor an investment + BRL 50k for other operational expenses. Mentorship Process: […]

Listus – Brazilian Startup

Listus is a web platform for gift lists and conveniences for users and retailers. startup accelerated by Anjos do Brasil

Revolog – Brazilian Startup

Revolog brings technology into logistics.  As a B2B platform it promisses to bring efficiency and reduce intermediaries in distribution chain of big industries. Accelerated by Techmall SA

We Do Logos – Brazilian Startup

WeDoLogos provides clients with high-quality design solutions at a fraction of the cost of traditional agencies through a highly interactive platform. Clients are able to submit a project and provide design specifications, which We Do Logos uses to create a weeklong competition amongst its registered designers. Afterwards, clients may view all bids (an average of […]