Startup Brazil

Onpic – Brazilian startup

OnPic is a B2B2C client relationship tool that gives benefit for clients that share pictures on social media using promoted hashtags. This startup was accelerated by Start You Up.

IQFriends – Brazilian Startup

IQ Friends is a brain training application, that helps the users improve different areas of the brain while playing games. The application can thus be used both for the fun of playing games as well as for training the brain. The target users are individuals that have a few minutes every day while commuting to work.IQ […]

Netbee – Brazilian Startup

Netbee researches, develop and act as solution provider on intelligen transportation systems as means to improve vehicle performance and security.  Their distance monitoring work for B2C and B2B uses, as well as contributes to traffic and logistic information. Accelerated by Techmall SA

Athenas – Brazilian Startup

Athenas Logistics Technology offers an innovative and integrated system to bounded warehouses, terminals and ports management. In brief, TOS+ (Terminal Operation System PLUS) offers solutions for logistics optimization which helps management and operations teams to improve customer service (export/import companies and shipowners), reducing cost and fostering revenue streams. The complete product set includes innovative solutions […]

Gema Ventures – Brazilian startup accelerators

Gema Ventures is a a startup accelerator that aims to bring innovative solutions to B2B market.  They provide seed capital and acceleration program, including administrative and commercial support.

Squid Facil – Brazilian Startup

Squid Facil wholesale gateway promisses to lower online retail businesses need of physical stocking. starup accelerated by AceleraTech

Handtalk – Brazilian Startup

Handtalk‘s app translate real time text and voice to sign language (in portuguese).  Awarded at WSA – World Summit Award Mobile. startup accelerated by Anjos do Brasil

Responde Ai – Brazilian Startup

Responde Aí is a platform which helps students study more efficiently to hard exams. It provides selected study guides easy and quick to learn using the expertise of “expert” students, who are rewarded for producing the content. Dropout rate in Brazilian Universities is very high due to the poor teaching methods. Many students are seeking […]

SII Technology – Brazilian Startup

Sii integrates automation, security and other building sensors and information provide building administrators live feed on apps. Accelerated by Techmall SA

PayParking – Brazilian Startup

Payparking is a mobile app that let users (B2B) make reservation and payment of car parking. This startup was accelerated by Start You Up.

Elo – Brazilian Startup

Elo offers online courses focused in preparatory material for job applications on the public sector and govt adminsitration. starup accelerated by AceleraTech

Jump Brasil – Brazilian Startup Accelerator

Jump Brasil offers support to up to 10 startups simultaneously.Each accelaration cycle lasts up to 5 months, with seed of BRL 40k.Shareing with CESAR LABS the Recife, Pernambuco based Porto Digital support, it targets to accelerate 90 startups in 5 years. 

Samba Ads

Samba Ads distribute curated selected videos targeting content relevant to partners’s users. After an angel investment from Groupon Brasil’s Florian Otto raised USD 500k in a round including investors Initial Capital, 500 Startups, e.Bricks Digital e Rhodium Capital.