CryptoKitties, the Pokemon-like hurdle on ETH path

CryptoKitties is a game centered around breedable, collectible, and oh-so-adorable creatures we call CryptoKitties! Each cat is one-of-a-kind and 100% owned by you; it cannot be replicated, taken away, or destroyed.”

First let’s brief what is the good news embedded there: those kitties are unique, and even though they can be transferred around to Eth addresses you cannot crtl-c crtl-v them.  They are smart contacts, so that (unless I am mistaken) the only way to share a kitty is by sharing your private (don’t.  ever.).  Putting it in another way: they are software that can be sold and transferred but not copied nor shared.

I will take my time on it for sure, and I bet a lot of smart people are figuring out how to make money with this.  But for the time being no live project is taking advantage of this.  Maybe in the near future. Fact is these cute and expensive cats are drawing a lot of attention.  And a lot of gas and processing at the EVM.

Exactly how much is a lot? Over 10%,  according to ETH Gas Station

Stats over last 5,000 blocks – Last update: Block 4681231
Top 10 ETH Contracts By Tx Count Over Last 1,500 Blocks

Address ID Pct Total Tx Count
0x8d12a197cb00d4747a1fe03395095ce2a5cc6819 Etherdelta 11.02
0x06012c8cf97bead5deae237070f9587f8e7a266d Cryptokitties 10.35


And keep in mind it ‘cannot be destroyed’ Nor should be removed from EVM in what would raise the censorship issue in Ethereum.

CryptoKitties’ success could be a sign that ethereum may thrive.  And lack of censorship maybe be telling of Ethereum application-agnostic feature.

Meanwhile, Ethereum attackers are quick to point this as an early red flag of scalability issues.  So the feature might be a liability.

If state channels, sharding or Casper, Vitalik’s push for scalability is being pressed hard, as crypto community hope there is more than one way to skin processing congestion,