Introduction to EOS by trogdor @ steemit

trogdor (63) in eos
  EOS is a consensus blockchain operating system that provides databases, account permissions, scheduling, authentication, and internet-application communication to massively improve the efficiency of smart business development that uses parallelization to make possible blockchain scalability to millions of users and millions of transactions per second.


In order to introduce EOS, we first need to understand the current state of blockchain tech, and how we got here. (…)

In 2013, the decentralized exchange Bitshares was built, and in 2014 Bitshares was launched. It used delegated proof-of-stake giving 3 second confirmation times with very predictable, reliable block production. The first version of Bitshares was built off of some of the same ideas as Bitcoin and shared some technology, but still didn’t meet the performance requirements of an exchange. In 2015 Graphene was created, and Bitshares was completely rewritten. This was able to achieve 100,000 transaction per second on a single machine, and decentralized global stress testing achieved 18,000 transactions per second on a distributed network. (…)

If you look at the blockchain industry, everyone wants to build smart businesses, decentralized organizations, etc…, and in the process developers built decentralized computers from the ground up which can run their smart apps. In this process, all app developers have to solve many of the same problems: account systems, recovery processes, multi-sig, manage challenges, and what they’re missing is the operating system, (…). EOS aims to provide this operating system to provide all the core functions to app developers and allow them to focus on just the business logic that makes their apps unique.

EOS provides an operating system and a decentralized computer to radically improve the efficiency of smart business development.
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