News – and still more of the same…

News about Earth on track for hottest year is almost like no news anymore.  And as the tragedy goes from front page to weather forecast people seem to pay less and less attention.  Scientists must then get a sparkle of obituary/criminal ‘flare’ to draw attention, such as “Severe droughts and devastating flooding being experienced throughout the tropics and sub-tropical zones bear the hallmarks of this El Niño, which is the strongest for more than 15 years” said WMO Secretary-General Michel Jarraud.

Similar case can be found when pesticide exposure impairs crop pollination services provided by bumblebees.  Researcher Dara Stanley team had to make clear that human-interest crops were at risk, such as apples.  Public really care are not for bees, but for their services to humans.

We can celebrate the fact that NIH will no longer support biomedical research on Chimpanzees, as a step forward.  There’s a long road ahead though, as “These decisions are specific to chimpanzees. Research with other non-human primates will continue to be valued, supported, and conducted by the NIH.”