
“The Internet doesn’t make you smarter; you only think it does” by Cathleen O’Grady

fter using search engines, people overestimate their ability to explain ideas. If you’ve ever lived with roommates, chances are you shared a “transactive” memory system with them. One person might have remembered to pay the bills, while another knew the contact details of the plumber. It’s common to find social systems that share the information […]

“The Death of Moore’s Law Will Spur Innovation” by Andrew Huang

“As transistors stop shrinking, open-source hardware will have its day. Companies that produce open-source hardware are few and far between. At least, they are if you define them in the usual way: an enterprise that provides documentation and permission sufficient for others to re-create, modify, improve, and even make their own versions of the devices it […]

“Will You Be Able to Read this Article in 1,000 Years?” BY DAVID SHULTZ

“If you ask Anthony Weiner, digital records—especially those on the Internet—can seem impossibly hard to get rid of. When a picture or document is reduced to a series of 1s and 0s, it becomes transmissible, reproducible, downloadable, and storable. You can’t burn digital books, and ideas like cloud computing make it possible to back up data […]

Large Hadron Collider set to restart

After a shutdown lasting two years, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s biggest and most powerful particle accelerator, is ready once again for the arrival of particle beams.