How Futures Trading Changed Bitcoin Prices – published by Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Researchers Galina Hale, Arvind Krishnamurthy, Marianna Kudlyak, and Patrick Shultz posted on Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco an economic letter relating Bitcoin price peak and collapse at the time of CME futures debut. As any attempt to explain price movements, this implies in a very selective analysis of historical data and forces in play. And […]

Gemini – Nasdaq : market surveillance
For those who see censorship resistance as one the unquestionable benefits of a decentralized system, ‘Market Surveillance’ is a plague deserving exorcist remedy. Now if get clear, trading or holding assets in exchanges should never be considered a really trustless decentralized enviroment anyway. One should not be surprised if initiatives such as GEMINI TO LAUNCH MARKET […]

Malta – crypto haven
Following news that Binance is moving to Malta this story on “Malta Digital Innovation Authority revealed: providing legal certainty in a regulatory vacuum“, by Helena Grech @ the Malta Independent gives an idea of the Malta’s roadmap to Crypto Legal security. Not a cutting edge crypto document per se, but stands out as government initiative […]

Is Bitcoin halal or haram?
Working paper by Mr. Muhammad Abu Bakar – Mufti certified by the Jamia Darul-Uloom in Karachi, Pakistan under the supervision of Respected Sheikh Mufti Taqi Usmani – proposes s critic cut on Shariah status of bitcoin. Interesting paper including exposure on history of money. development of Bitcoin, blockchain, Islamic property definitions and practices, and Bictoin in […]

Pier – Brazilian Central Bank data platform on blockchain
Brazilian Central Bank new ‘PIER platform works as a distributed ledger connecting monetary, securities and pension regulation authorities. To be specific, BCB, Susep, CVM, and Previc. Unsurprisingly features such as data integrity, immutability and the core reliability and security of blockchain networks support this development. Eliminating duplicated data handling work is also good. Interesting topic […]

Chile to post Energy Data on Blockchain
Chilean Energy commission (CNE) announced plans to publish energy generation, distribution and demand on an Ethereum based blockchain. At first data of output capacity, average and marginal prices, fossil fuel costs, and registered residential generation, among others. This is part of the ‘Energia Aberta’ (Open Energy) platform. Chilean energy authorities states that information is important […]

Golem (GNT) – sharing excess CPU
Golem is a decentralized global supercomputer. Processing power is shared by users (providers) to applications (requestors). Ethereum based smart contract handles transaction of remuneration. Network nodes create sandboxes isolated in providers’ machines. Golem technology then combine computations back to requestor application. After a hyped launch in 2016 when it raised 820k ETH, software development delayed […]

Introducing Gemini Block Trading
Gemini exchange lauches their block trading facility platform. As dark pools general features it promisses a market where traders can indicate interest and match trades for large block sizes in a private environment. This may restrict negative feedback in price impact when a traders is seeking How it works:

Monero dodges Antminer X3
Bitmain announcement of their new Antminer X3 designed to mine Monero. Then Monero devs posted that the new ASIC, designed to mine CryptoNight hashing algo would NOT work on Monero. https://t.co/rhy6k2I4Yh And the Lithium Luna software upgrade seems to make good devs promise, making Monero resistant to ASICs. Unless Bitmain tries to chase Monero development, this […]

Cboe letter to U.S. SEC – on Fund Innovation and Crypto holdings
Cboe’s President and COO Chris Concannon encourages SEC to bring clarity to cryptocurrencies regulation. Main topics addressed were Valuation, Liquidity, Custody, Pricing, and Risk disclosure concerns. A few highlights: