El Rofex empezará a custodiar Bitcoins – Olivia Goldschmidt, La Nacion
“El mercado de futuros más grande del país sigue a la CME en incorporar criptomonedas l mercado de futuros Rofex ofrecerá el servicio de custodia de Bitcoins hacia fin de año. La noticia llega dos días después de que la CME Group (la Bolsa Mercantil de Chicago, la mayor en el mundo) anunciara el lanzamiento de los […]
Blockstream is introducing Simplicity
Introducing a Programming Language so Simple, It “Fits on a T-shirt”
bitcoin-segwit2x – By Jeff John Roberts
(Important update: The leaders of the SegWit2X faction announced on Wednesday, November 8 they would suspend their plan to split bitcoin in mid-November.) Bitcoin has faced turmoil in the past but nothing like this. In two weeks, a massive fight taking place among bitcoin insiders could produce a ruinous schism—undermining the integrity of digital currency and threatening […]
UK National risk assessment of money laundering and terrorist financing
key money laundering and terrorist financing risks for the UK “…Digital currencies 5.7 …The vulnerabilities identified in the 2015 NRA were largely around the anonymity and cross-border exposure of digital currencies, as well as the lack of interaction with the regulated sector… 5.8 The NCA has assessed the risk of digital currency use for money laundering […]
Segwit2x countdown (16/Out)
Counting Days Before the New Hard Fork. Everything you need to know about SegWit2xSegWit2x
Andhra Pradesh, India, studies Blockchain Land Registry
“Visakhapatnam, India – 10 October of 2017 – Disputed land ownership is frequently a cause of conflict in the state of Andhra Pradesh. The current system, where land and property records are centralized in government databases, is inherently vulnerable to improper or unauthorised manipulation. (…) The government of Andhra Pradesh is exploring technologies like […]
Blockstream Launches Confidential Assets Feature for Blockchain
Blockstream, the leader in advanced blockchain technology and applied cryptography, today announced the availability of Confidential Assets, a new feature in its Elements blockchain platform “Confidential Assets Andrew Poelstra, Adam Back, Mark Friedenbach, Gregory Maxwell, and Pieter Wuille
Monero: Ring Confidential Transactions
The Monero v0.10.0 was recently released. It features major performance improvements, space savings gains for the blockchain, and the initial release of Ring Confedential Transactions, that are currently live on the testnet. “Ring Confidential Transactions Shen Noether, Adam Mackenzie and Monero Core Team …a method of hiding transaction amounts in the strongly decentralized anonymous cryptocurrency Monero.

Order by the waiter
Tim Döring and Brian Wansink’s “The Waiter’s Weight Does a Server’s BMI Relate to How Much Food Diners Order?” look into a curious empathy related phenomenon: diners food order seem to be influenced by waiters’ body mass. Alcohol, and dessert particularly, showed a greater response to waiter’s body mass than main courses. It is tempting to see ironic […]

Quantum Computing Scalable Computer
As reported in “Quantum Computing Is About to Overturn Cybersecurity’s Balance of Power”, by VIVEK WADHWA, quantum computers are now moving fast from possible to practical.You can also take a peek on how one of featured devices work in this tour video